JM Rubber Machinery
tire machinery
Current Inventory - Mills
Highlighted items have pictures.
6" x 12" Eemco Cabinet Style Mill, 7½ HP
(2) 6" x 13" Farrel Lab Mills, 7½ HP
8" x 8" x 16" Bolling cabinet style lab mill, 15 HP, knee safeties and cable
8" x 18" Reliable Lab Mill, 15 HP
10" x 24" Bolling Mill, unitized, cabinet style, 20 HP
16" x 16" x 42" Kobe Mill, direct drive, 60 HP, unitized, autolube
Bolling 20" x 42" Mill, serial #7265, I/O seals, left hand direct drive, Bolling 13-20-db helical reducer 34.9:1 ratio, 600 input, 120 hp rated, Westingouse AC motor, 80 HP, 440/3/60, 85 amps, 590s frame, unitized h-beam base
22" x 60" Kobe Mill, direct drive, 150 HP, unitized
22" x 22" x 60" Farrel Mill, direct drive, 150 HP, unitized base
26" x 26" x 72" Farrel Mill, Lufkin direct drive, 200 HP, autolube, unitized
24" x 26" x 84" Adamson Mill, direct drive, 200 HP wrap around style, unitized
26" x 26" x 84" Farrel Breakdown Mill, master gear & pinion, 250 HP, corrugated rear roll, air brake, autolube, unitized
26" x 26" x 84" Farrel Mill, direct drive, autolube, 250 HP, unitized
26" x 26" x 84" Twin Mill, direct drive, smooth rolls, LufkinT720BH, unitized 3 piece floor level base
Spare Mill Parts
Several rolls, frames, gears
14" x 18" x 24" Farrel Heavy Duty Head Purge Mill, unitized, autolube
19" x 23" x 30" Vaughn Fine Grind Cracker, direct drive, rear roll corrugated, 150 HP, airbrake, unitized, rebuilt
21" x 24" x 36" Comerio Fine Grind Refiner, 150 HP, unitized
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